MES of the Republic of Belarus

Belarus Joins the International Civil Defence Organization


The President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed the Law “On joining of the Republic of Belarus to the Constitution of the International Civil Defence Organization”.

The document was prepared to enhance Belarus's status as a full participant of the international organization and create conditions for cooperation with emergency agencies in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

The International Civil Defence Organization (ICDO) is an intergovernmental body with the goal of assisting countries in strengthening structures that protect population, property, and the environment during natural and man-made disasters.

The history of the organization begins in Paris with the foundation of the Geneva Zones Association in 1931. This organization represented safe or war-free zones where civilians could find shelter during military conflicts. In 1936, the Association received a mandate to work towards the humanization of armed conflicts and carried out humanitarian activities during the Spanish Civil War, Sino-Japanese War, and World War II in France.

In 1958, the International Association of Geneva Zones transformed into the International Civil Defenсe Organization. The ICDO Constitution entered into force on March 1st, 1972. It provides the establishment of cooperation, exchange of experience and interaction between institutions entrusted with protection and rescue people and property, as well as providing technical assistance to Member States.

The ICDO main functions include providing information exchange, expert support in the field of emergency protection and rescue of population and property, education and training of rescuers, sharing experiences in implementing measures to prevent damage from natural disasters, promoting scientific research in public protection, and emergency response in the event of major natural disasters.

Currently, the organization has 60 Member States. The Republic of Belarus has been an observer state since 2014.

Full membership in ICDO will contribute to fulfillment by the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus of the following objectives:

Organization of emergency prevention and response;

Maintaining constant preparedness of forces and means to act in case of emergency;

Training and professional development of employees of the Ministry for Emergency, providing educational services;

Scientific and technical support for emergency prevention and response, civil defence, and emergency monitoring and forecasting;

Development of international cooperation with rescue agencies in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East;

Studying the best practices of foreign countries in emergency prevention and response.

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