MES of the Republic of Belarus
About the Ministry
The Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus (MES) is the state management body, which carries out management in sphere of prevention and elimination of natural and anthropogenic disasters, provision of fire, industrial, radiation and nuclear safety, civil protection, material reserves, mitigation of Chernobyl NPP disaster consequences.
MES Mission:
Implementation of the state policy in emergency prevention and elimination, civil protection, fire, industrial, radiation and nuclear safety, material reserves, mitigation of Chernobyl NPP disaster consequences;
- State supervision, surveillance and other related functions in the field of civil protection, fire, industrial, radiation and nuclear safety, material reserves, mitigation of Chernobyl NPP disaster consequences;
- Coordination of activities of governmental, local authorities and other organizations in the field of civil protection, fire, industrial, radiation and nuclear safety, material reserves, mitigation of Chernobyl NPP disaster consequences;
- Emergency preparedness, management and response to natural and anthropogenic disasters;
- Management and provision of the state emergency prevention and response system.
MES structure:
Headquarters of the Ministry;
Industrial Safety Supervision Department (Gospromnadzor),
Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department (Gosatomnadzor),
Material Reserves Department (Gosreserve).
Subordinate Units:
University of Civil Protection
Scientific and Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergency Situations
Republican Emergency Management and Response Center
Republican Special Response Team “ZUBR”
Republican Licensing and Expertise Center
Republican Logistics Support Center
Specialized Lyceum
State Inspection of Small Vessels
Regional departments for emergency situations:
Brest Regional Department of the MES
Vitebsk Regional Department of the MES
Gomel Regional Department of the MES
Grodno Regional Department of the MES
Minsk Regional Department of the MES
Mogilev Regional Department of the MES
Minsk City Department of the MES