MES of the Republic of Belarus

General information

The priorities of international cooperation of the Ministry for Emergency Situations are:

  • strengthening and development of established bilateral and multilateral contacts and cooperation;

  • improvement of disaster risk reduction in the cross-border region;
  • design and implementation of joint projects of international technical and foreign assistance;
  • fostering regional and cross-border cooperation.

The activities of the international cooperation of the Ministry for Emergency Situations are aimed at:

  • fulfillment of obligations related to the implementation of international bilateral and multilateral treaties;

  • exchange of the best practices in the field of emergency prevention and response, fire, industrial, nuclear and radiation safety;
  • development of the international legal framework in the field of emergency prevention and response;
  • preparation and implementation of joint technical, social and humanitarian projects with foreign partners;
  • providing humanitarian assistance to foreign countries affected by emergencies;
  • establishment of contacts and development of cooperation with foreign emergency rescue services, international organizations, youth, volunteer and sports movements of rescuers and  firefighters.

The MES focuses on modern global trends in the field of safety, preparedness for climate change, and sustainable development. Following the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and in accordance with the Sendai Framework Program for Disaster Risk Reduction for the period 2015-2030, the MES has developed the National Strategy for Disasters Risk Reduction for 2019-2030.

The main objectives of the strategy are:

  • the introduction of a National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and the development of a state civil protection system that ensures protection of the population and territories from emergencies;

  • improvement of methodology for analyzing and assessing the risk of an emergency situation;
  • creation and implementation of intelligent management systems and decision support;
  • improvement of emergency response and rescue technologies, development of new models of machinery and equipment;
  • development of  safety culture in all spheres of life.

Main professional holidays:

January 19th  - Rescuer’s Day

July 25th  - Fire Service Day

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