MES of the Republic of Belarus

Delegation of the MES of Belarus visits Mongolia


As part of the state visit by the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, the delegation of the Ministry for Emergency Situations, led by Minister Vadim Sinyavsky, is also visiting Mongolia. The agenda for the visit includes a number of bilateral meetings with Mongolian counterparts - representatives of the State Emergency Agency of Mongolia.

For reference, the State Agency for Emergency Situations was established in Mongolia in 2004 and reports to the Mongolian government. Its main goal is to implement state policy in emergency preparedness and response. Cooperation between the two countries' emergency services has been ongoing for 20 years.

The Belarusian delegation familiarized itself with the Crisis Management Center of the Mongolian State Agency for Emergency Situations and discussed cooperation with the Republican Emergency Management and Response Center of the Belarusian Ministry for Emergency Situations. The Minister also visited fire and rescue stations in Ulaanbaatar and saw firefighting equipment of Belarusian manufacture that is in use. According to SAES of Mongolia, thanks to this equipment, more than 1300 people have been rescued and property damage exceeding $20 million prevented.

For reference: In June 2020, in accordance with the contract between the State Agency for Emergency Situations of Mongolia and POZHSNAB LLC, a total of 71 pieces of specialized equipment were delivered, including fire tankers of different capacities, ladder trucks, foam and water-foam firefighting vehicles, powder and combined firefighting vehicles, staff transportation vehicles, mobile command posts, and a mobile hospital with decontamination facilities from LLC "POZHSNAB". The value of the equipment exceeds 15 million euros.

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